
Lemons, Sugar, and Water


Welcome to body sugaring! While waxing may still be the most common way to get rid of pesky hairs, sugaring has grown in popularity as a cleaner and greener form of hair removal. Although sugaring is slowly becoming a regular practice in the United States, its origins date back to ancient Egypt and is still routinely used in the Middle East.

This technique is truly an art form and takes a careful study and approach. Using a ball of paste, made from sugar, water, and lemons, this food grade mixture is applied to the skin by hand and quickly flicked away with any unwanted hairs. Sugaring eliminates the need for any sticks, strips, and excess product making it the most eco friendly form of hair removal. Staying true to the Bare ideology, this method has a variety of benefits for you and our planet.

pot of sugar_warmer.jpg

Sugar, Sugar




100% natural ingredients: Sugar, lemons, and water! Sugar paste is natural, vegan, and hypoallergenic. Completely free of resins, synthetic dyes, and other harsh chemicals.



The sugaring application, known as molding, allows the paste to get deep into the follicle for a better extraction. Removing the hair with the growth reduces breakage and gives longer lasting results!



Sugar paste is never hot! Low warming temperatures means there is zero risk of heat burn. The paste is only as warm as body temp which makes it a great alternative for those with sensitive skin.



Say goodbye to that sticky residue! Because sugar is water soluble we eliminate any chance of leftover mess. Any sugar left on the skin can be easily wiped away with ease.



Aside from natural biodegradable ingredients, sugaring produces minimal consumable waste. We love our biodegradable gloves and removed the need for sticks and strips.



Removing the need for sticks and strips is great for our planet, but it’s also more sanitary! One sugar ball per service means no double dipping, no cross contamination, and a safer experience!





Facial Sugaring

Brow | $30

Brow + Tint | $50

Unibrow + Trim | $20

Lip | $15

Chin | $15

Sideburns | $18

Neck | $18

Face no brow | $45


Body Sugaring

Underarm | $30

Half Arm | $45

Full Arm | $65

Half Lower Leg | $45

Half Upper Leg | $45

Full Leg (current clients only) | $85

Stomach | $35

Female Lower Back | $25

Female Full Buttocks | $45

Female Bikini | $55

Female Modified Bikini | $65

Female Brazilian | $75

Hydro Jelly Mask (add on service) | $15


Sugar Care

Tips, tricks, and everything in between


Before your appointment

  • Hair must be 1/4” inch or longer (about the size of a grain of rice). If the hair is long, trimming will be offered at the time of your service.

  • Stop use of physical and chemical exfoliators.

  • Avoid the use of lotions or oils the day of your appointment.

  • Avoid caffeine the day of your appointment as it can cause sensitivity.

  • Avoid sun exposure as it can cause extra sensitivity.


After your appointment (First 24-48hrs)

  • Avoid touching! Bacteria and oils from our fingers can cause irritation and breakouts.

  • Avoid pools, lakes, and jacuzzis. Dirty water contains bacteria which can cause irritation and breakouts.

  • Avoid exercising, saunas, and intimacy.

  • Avoid products or lotions with fragrance or harsh chemicals.


Between appointments (Ingrown prevention!)

  • Use the recommended after care products (Fur products sold in the studio) to see the best results!

  • Begin exfoliating 2-3 days post service. Continue regular exfoliation. Exfoliate in circular motions in the opposite direction of hair growth.

  • Keep the skin clean!

  • Apply a post wax oil or serum daily on clean skin to prevent inflammation and to keep skin moisturized.

  • Avoid shaving between services.